Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pet Peeve 0, Me 1/2

I used to have a big pet peeve when it came to the Internet: Spelling and Grammar. I'd be zooming along and boom something would be misspelled (usually the biggest culprit) or the grammar would be atrocious. It would make me believe less in the piece I was reading because if the writer didn't care enough to do spelling and grammar check, then why should I care about what they were saying?

I complained about this at the dinner table one night and my teenage daughter said, "Maawwm, did you understand it, did you get what they were saying?"

I said, "Well, yeah, after tripping over the spelling and grammar mistakes, I did."

She said, "Then they did their job - they got the message across. Stop being so nitpicky. Some of these writers on the Internet are ESL."

It dawned on me that she is right. Millions of the writers do not even speak English, much less write it. So, while I still have a pet peeve with print material (which is why I gave myself 1/2) because they have the bastion of the publishing process behind them and should be capable of clean copy, I no longer grit my teeth when I see the mistakes on the Internet.

The way I cie it is this: if u kan git my messeg than i did my jawb.


  1. I agree that ESL folks deserve a break - God knows I can't seem to master any foreign languages! So that means it's okay if there are grammar and spelling issues in the comments, or in Facebook posts and notes to friends. But anyone writing for publication should do better. Mistakes, text-speak, or careless mistakes make the reader conscious of the writer - so while the culprit may be communicating his message, the reading experience isn't as direct and seamless - or as pleasant. To me, good writing lets you forget you're reading.

  2. "To me, good writing lets you forget you're reading."

    Amen, Jo!
