Friday, August 28, 2009

The RE of Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is about to go retrograde again in a few weeks. Most any astrology website will tell you all the standard do's and don'ts during Mercury retrograde do backup your computer, don't sign contracts, and all the rest. Astrologyzone is good for that.  

While I do backup my computer and don't sign contracts during Mercury retrograde, I've also found other do's and don'ts. Mercury retrograde is about "re." Redoing, rethinking, remembering, regrouping, releasing, reacting, removing, remaining, reorganizing, rebooting.

I discovered rereading during Mercury retrograde. For a long time I never reread my books; I’d read them and set them on the shelf. During a particularly nasty Mercury retrograde, I couldn’t find anything to read. I’d pick up a book and set it down 5 minutes later dissatisfied. Finally, I turned to my groaning shelves and picked a book I’d read before that I really loved and rereading beloved stories was born.

I used to be super anxious about Mercury retrograde; freaking out about computers crashing and not wanting to sign my life away. These days I look forward to Mercury retrograde. I reorganize my thoughts, remember things forgotten and reboot my hard drive by rereading a favorite book.

So the way I Cie it, during September 6th through September 29th I’ll be rereading and rebooting!

The Way I Cie It

Realizing I have strong feelings about life, liberty and the pursuit of whatever was easy.  Deciding to post those strong feelings on a blog for all and sundry to Cie was another matter. 

Having decided to plunge right in, this is The Way I Cie It...